Please ensure that you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare or if you have additional questions then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01925 648533.


Plasma Pen uses a plasma gas arc to cause tightening of loose skin and induce inflammation. It is this inflammation that stimulates the body to produce new collagen which improves the skin structure and smooths fine wrinkles and lines. Immediately after treatment the area will be covered with pin head sized brown dots and these can take up to 10 days to fall off, so it is important that you plan for this when having treatment on visible areas.

Like most skin rejuvenation treatments there may be some side-effects but the post-treatment downtime, recovery from Plasma Pen and the end result is frequently superior to treatment with other devices. However, you must follow these guidelines carefully to achieve optimal results.


We recommend you avoid sun-tanning, spray-tanning, tanning injections and sunbeds for 4 weeksbefore treatment and you should also use SPF 50 to prepare your skin. This is particularly important if you are naturally darker skinned.


You may experience “stinging” sensation in the treated area immediately after treatment, generally this only lasts for about an hour or so. It is highly unlikely that you will get an infection from a Plasma Pen treatment but please avoid any dusty or dirty environments during the first 12 hours to prevent contamination of the area. Avoid applying any products to the skin in the first 24 hours as this may slow the healing. You may continue with your usual activities as normal but please avoid physical exercise for 72 hours.

Mild to moderate swelling is normal (especially with treatment around the eyes) and this usually peaks at around day 3. To reduce the swelling, you can use ice packs, but please DO NOT apply these directly to the skin as they can cause damage. From Day 3 we recommend using Aloe Vera to reduce inflammation and sooth the skin. You may not look your absolute best during the initial heading process which for the face usually lasts 5 to 7 days but can be longer for other areas.

If you have received treatment to the face we recommend sleeping propped up for the first 3 nights to reduce the swelling. Please avoid applying makeup until the area is fully healed and then preferably use mineral based products to reduce the risk of infection..


It is normal for the area that has been treated to feel tight and dry. Tiny crusts form on the treated area and these may be visible for about a week to 10 days. DO NOT pick or rub the crusts off as this will delay healing and could cause scarring. The area can be cleaned with warm boiled water and patted dry with a clean towel to avoid dislodging the crusts. Men should avoid shaving the treated area. Avoid smoking. Consider taking high dose vitamin C supplements (1000mg/daily) to support the healing process.

Once the dots have fallen off you can return to your normal skin care regimen but please avoid using Glycolic acid containing products and exfoliants. You must avoid any skin treatments and apply SPF50 whilst your skin is in the pink healing phase and continue this for at least 12 weeks (preferably longer). The treated area will continue to gradually improve over a 10-12 week period as new collagen is formed and becomes organised. Areas can be retreated but we recommend waiting at least 3 months before assessing whether further treatments are necessary.

If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare or if you have additional questions then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01925 648533.

Clinic Guidelines COVID-19